Friday, October 29, 2010

Fit Friday: The beginning

Contrary to what having a blog may seem, I am not one to put every aspect of my life out there for eveyrone's pleasure, enjoyment, curiousity, etc.  However, I think sometimes putting things out there can be the motivation to change one's life.  A kick in the pants, if you will.  Well, a kick in the pants is exactly what I need.

With all of the recent "activities" in my family, I am freaking a little.  I need to make sure I am here for a long time for my girls.  So basically, I am on a quest to get healthier.  Right now, I answer to just me.  Do you know how easy it is to lie to yourself or make excuses to yourself?  Yeah, too easy.  So, putting it all (well, not all) out there, I can't really make exscuses anymore. 

I am going to start what I will call "Fit Friday" as a way be accountable for my life and the things that I need to do.  I have one goal in mind: lead a healthier lifestyle for myself and my girls.  What exactly does all of this entail, well I am still trying to figure all of that out.  I think if I lay out goals for each week, that will help.  If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear! 

Week 1 goals:
* Take vitamins everyday (I am anemic and don't take care of that)
* Cut back on the quantity of M&M's consumed.  <---Yeah, that will be hard!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to start small. I have found it helpful to reward myself when I have a good week (not with food though, with shopping). Once I paid myself $2 a day if I was "healthy" whatever that is. Then when I wanted to buy a new shirt or shoes, I had to wait until I reached that amount. That helped me. Remember that the first 2 weeks are the hardest, but it gets way easier after that!
